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What is the sacrament of the sick ?

Formerly called extreme unction, this sacrament breathes the life of God into the heart and body of the believer in times of trial such as illness or old age.  It consists of anointing with holy oil on the forehead and in the laying on of hands by the priest.


This sacrament reminds the person of the dignity of each person, strengthens confidence, gives the strength to bear his trial and the assurance that he lives it in closeness to Christ.  Anointing pacifies and reconciles the patient with himself, with others and with God.


The sacrament can be administered during a celebration in church, hospital or at home.


To reach a priest, contact the Pastoral Center (418-543-7734).

Ce service est offert aux personnes malades ou ayant besoin de recevoir une force spirituelle.

Valin Pastoral Unit

pastoral center

200, rue du Régent, Chicoutimi (north sector)

Phone: 418-543-7734

Fax: 418-543-7735

Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday: the office is closed

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Design: Josée Desmeules, apl

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